5 Secrets to Attract Money Like a Magnet!

Attract Money

For a long time, I read about personal finance in the traditional way, with experts talking about saving, reducing expenses, eliminating debt, and investing. The thing is, I did all that, but I needed to see quick results. I also realized that many people have tried to follow this advice, but it has yet to be addressed.

After much research, I discovered that it’s not just about that. It’s about going deeper and supporting our actions with our mindset, emotions, and energy. So here I leave you my five secrets that almost no one tells you about.

1. Your energy backs your actions with money.

To win with money, the strategy and formula (save, pay debts, get organized, invest) only work if your energy does not support it.

How often have you created a budget that doesn’t work for you?

How many hours do you work or invest in your business, but the money doesn’t grow?

You are trying the right actions, but they don’t work because they are not connected to your thoughts and emotions. When you understand that your actions need mental, emotional, and nervous support and you begin to make these changes, beautiful things happen:

  • You leave the effort behind and begin to create more money with ease.
  • The money comes effortlessly to you.
  • It flows more in your life.

For example, at this time in my life, I work 3-4 hours a day on my business. I focused on my mindset, and that has allowed me to grow by working less.

How can you start doing it? If you want more economic abundance, start managing your language (the expression of your thoughts), leave behind complaining and judging about money, and stop blaming yourself for past mistakes. It would help if you also improved your actions:

  • Stop watching the news because it always connects with the negative.
  • Leave negative people behind.
  • Do more of what you like.

It would help if you began to believe more in yourself and your creative power.

When you start taking these small actions, you are creating a different relationship with your money, one of enjoyment, gratitude, and abundance. Remember that how you express yourself about money is how you live.

2. Heal your past traumas with money; heal how you spend it.

If you are a compulsive buyer, feel like you waste money, don’t know how to manage your money, or your business isn’t growing, don’t worry—don’t blame yourself! Many of these situations are the result of an unhealed emotion in your childhood (or even in your past life).

When you gain a deep understanding of how you have been “conditioned” in the past and over the years about money, you realize that you have lived stories borrowed from someone else or continue to feed fear or childhood shortcomings. This self-awareness is your key to transformation. As you begin making choices from a new perspective, you manifest the desired results. Many of my clients have experienced a significant shift in their financial situations by making these changes. They make more sales, unnecessary expenses disappear, and they see more business opportunities, all by healing a small part of their past or beliefs. This is an exercise that I recommend doing every day, or at least five days a week, and in a few weeks, you will see excellent results.

3. Money does not limit us; we are the ones who limit ourselves when thinking about money.

 thinking about money

How many times have you said no to trips, outings, or the things you want because you can’t afford them or because you think you can’t pay for them with your salary? And how many times have you dared to do something without knowing if the money will come out, but it turns out in the least expected way?

Many still need to understand that money is a tool for ex for making. Apart from money, there are gold, metals, and digital currencies. But there are also gifts, inheritances, services, favors, etc. They are all ways to get what you want. When you think money is the only way to have something, you limit the possibilities for it to reach you. 

How often, amid a need, has money appeared in the least imagined way? Some or many. Or the problem could be solved in a different way than you thought. The way things are resolved many times is in ways that we did not expect or imagine because the universe is the one that chooses the easiest way for it to reach us, a way that perhaps we do not know but that exists. The same thing happens with money.

Instead of thinking that you don’t have money to do something, you should focus on what you want to experience with money; it is a more precise way of asking the universe and letting it arrive in the best possible way. The truth is that we desire money for the experience we can have by exchanging it, not for the money itself. So instead of saying that you don’t have money for this or that, better tune into the experience you want to live, with its essence, and take action from there.

I’m going to give you an example. Once, I wanted to work with a coach who I loved. Their prices were all above $3,000. At that time, I didn’t have the money, but I was sure she was the coach I wanted. Instead of sitting around thinking I didn’t have the money or where I was going to get it, I took inspired action. I created an imaginary WhatsApp group on my cell phone and called that group with the name of this coach. Whenever I had questions or wanted to celebrate something, I wrote in my imaginary group. I also read each of their emails and liked their posts. Months later, my coach gave a special big discount, a flash sale, on her program, and she could enter!! I didn’t need all the money to do it, but I needed to get in tune with my desire.

Instead of saying you don’t have money, take action that is in tune with your goal and let it appear in whatever way possible.

4. Seeing the scarcity of money keeps you from having more money.

Do you want money but keep denying that you don’t have it? If you want more money but at the same time complain, your words and thoughts are not consistent with your desire. For years, we have been conditioned to see scarcity. We are taught to do it through the news, networks, books, and economic studies. Our mind also tends to observe danger and how to protect ourselves, so fear is normal.

When we focus on seeing the evil in the world, the lack of opportunities, bad news, etc. We are focusing our attention on scarcity. When you complain because you lack money, because of the economic situation, debts, etc., you focus on scarcity. When you speak badly about people who have money, judge the origin of other people’s money, or think that money is something dirty, you focus on what is scarce.

When you focus on something, the reticular system of our Cerberus (I invite you to read about this topic) prioritizes it and looks for it everywhere. This is how you begin to generalize poverty or scarcity in your life, even if it is false.  

Becoming a conscious observer of the financial reality we want to see is the best way to tune into our desires and make them happen faster. The first step is to turn off the news and stop conversations of complaint and judgment regarding the general and personal economy. Then, start looking for examples of people who have achieved what we want; permit ourselves to ask for what we heartily wish to (not what our salary allows us to pay); Allow ourselves to see abundance, money, luxury, and wealth everywhere is the way we say “yes” to our money goals and are consistent in our actions and thoughts with what we want.

5. Wasting money is a personal concept.

Wasting money

We have used the word waste without defining precisely what it means. We consider wasting what we have learned at home, on the news, or under any other circumstance without understanding that each of us enjoys different things and has a distinct personality. Therefore, we invest our money in what suits us—your personality.

You are the owner of your money, and you decide how to spend it and what things are important to you. Many of my students and readers feel guilty about this topic because they feel like they are wasting money. But it’s not like that.

Each of us has a different personality with money: some love the risk of investing, others the pleasure of spending, others the security of saving, etc. When we try to standardize our personality to what the rules of the culture generally dictate to us or what we have learned at home, we enter into emotional conflicts that cause more problems and shortages. Instead, it is better to understand our priorities and enjoyment points and start making choices. You don’t have to spend money like your dad taught you or like your friends do because it’s better for them. It would help to find a balance between your personality and your money.

So if you focus on these 5 points, you will attract more money and more of what you want in your life. If you want to learn more about this topic, I invite you to: Law Of Attraction: 5 Steps To Have Everything You Want

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