Law Of Attraction: 5 Steps To Have Everything You Want

Law Of Attraction

Have you ever heard someone say, after trying to get something in their life and not getting it, “It wasn’t for me”? Well, the law of attraction is a theory that dictates just the opposite.

Indeed, you have heard about the theory of attraction a few times and more than a while now, especially in self-help, coaching, entrepreneurship, etc., who have begun to use this law many times, even causing us to lose faith in it.

Oh, I’m already tired of that law! If I want something, I have to desire it as if I had never wanted with all my might to be rich.

Well, I want to tell you that I, have used it many times for small and big things, to materialize many of my dreams, like a scholarship at the best private university in my country, a job a long time ago, my home-based business, and the house of my dreams, among other things.

However, successfully applying the law of attraction to our objectives takes more than a few requests from the universe, so let’s get to the exciting part.

How accurate is the law of attraction?

I already know that when you read “The Law of Attraction,” you understand what it refers to. Although this law has been discredited a bit, and some make it look like magic, in reality, it has more “science” than you think you can imagine.

All human beings are made of atoms, right? And all material things, too: cars, clothes, food, etc. The universe itself is also made of atoms. What are atoms? Energy.

All humans, animals, and things have something in common: We are made of energy.

So, if we channel this energy, could we generate fundamental changes in daily life?

Now comes the good part of the theory of attraction: We can channel energy through our thoughts, which will result in what we think materializing.

Now, do you know what is best? Applying this law is easy to use, and even if it does not work, your life will be much happier, and you will be more self-confident.

What should I do to make the law of attraction work for me?

To begin to see the results of the law of attraction, you must educate your mind and body to guarantee that everything you send in the form of energy to the universe will be returned to you in the same measure and orientation.

1. Be grateful

be grateful

And isn’t it super logical? Nobody likes to be with a person who spends their time complaining about their partner or about their job. When you tell them something good that happened to you, they say, “I hope the same thing will happen to me. I have pure evil in life. Things happen to me.” The worst things”, and then it seems that it is the responsibility of whoever is doing worse.

Instead of focusing on how bad some things are going in your life, start being grateful for the good things you have in your life. For example, instead of complaining that you must clean your house, be thankful that you have a home to get to. Instead of complaining about paying taxes from your business, be grateful that you have to pay that amount because it means you make more money from your company. Instead of complaining about being overweight, be thankful because your whole body works well.

Be careful; many people do not like to be grateful for what they have because they think it means they are conformists and comfortable with what they have. Being thankful that you have shelter, food, and clothing does not mean you do not want a bigger house, someone to feed you daily, or designer clothes. What it means is that you are happy with what you have and are ready to get what you want. Nothing good comes from a negative feeling or from always complaining.

2. Change your thoughts

Being positive may be one way to explain it, although many believe that being positive means being stubborn, even though things are not working out.

For example, you want to start a business and find that you want to sell sandals. You start offering your sandals to your friends and acquaintances. Your friends and acquaintances are not interested in sandals, but they always ask you if you have sneakers.

  • Being stubborn would mean clinging to the idea of ​​selling sandals by force. You might even start complaining that you will never be able to be an entrepreneur because no one wants to buy sandals or blame it on the fact that your clients don’t want to pay the price, etc.
  • Being positive would be changing the strategy but not the goal, so you start selling tennis shoes if the goal is to be entrepreneurial.

I hope to explain myself well with this example, but the goal is for you to always be positive with your thoughts. It is useless to think that “your clients never have money” that makes an excuse instead of focusing on the positive “my acquaintances like tennis shoes.”

This type of thinking applies to everything, from waking up in the morning to thinking that you will have a great day. If you have to do something you don’t like, think about why you have to do it.

If you have to get up early to work every day, getting up with a smile doesn’t cost you anything! Everything you do with love will be rewarded in the same way. The same goes for those things you do with apathy and resentment.

3. Take care of yourself

Your body is the house that you will have all your life. Would you like to live in a dirty, broken, black house with rats?

If you’re going to have this body all your life anyway, why not take care of it and make yourself feel good?

Of course, taking care of it includes everything: physically exercising, eating and sleeping well, making it look the way you like with the clothes, makeup, and hairstyle that you want, and also mentally having positive thoughts and attending to the needs of your mind, such as learning something new or letting it rest.

This does not mean that you can never have negative thoughts again. It means you must have the emotional intelligence to manage your feelings effectively.

4. Use tools to feel your dream life.

You can use some tools to achieve positive thoughts and feel your dreams best, depending on how you learn and how the ideas stick in the best way. Repetition is the queen of traumas, so it is essential to have these tools where you can always see them:

  • Vision Board: Have a collage in which you have all your short or long-term goals with images or phrases. It can be stuck to the side of your bed so that it is the first thing you see when you get up or as wallpaper on your cell phone or computer. I love having it on my cell phone.
  • If you want to manifest money, you can write a check with your name on it for the amount you wish to manifest at the time you want to manifest it.
  • To manifest your dream home, you can start by creating it on a Pinterest board and thinking about how you will feel being there.
  • If you want to show off brand-name clothing, walk around the stores where you would like to be able to shop to feel it.

So, the trick to manifesting anything is to feel like you already have it.

5. Surround yourself with people who help you achieve your goals.

Surround yourself with people who help you

It’s the usual typical recommendation, but it’s the truest.

The more you are with positive, happy, and successful people, the more you will want to be like them and raise your expectations. And this is very easy to check: If your parents studied or want you to research university, your standard will be to study university. If you hang out with friends who know another language, you will want to learn another language. If your partner (who is the most important) wants to start a business or has a great job, you will do the same.

There’s nothing like the thoughts of the people around us to boost us!

What you should NOT do in the law of attraction

  • The law of attraction is not magic. It doesn’t happen when or how you want it to.
  • The law works permanently. What you send is what you receive, so be very careful with what you send. We may receive exactly what you want.
  • Please don’t focus on why you can’t do things; focus on how you will achieve them.
  • Don’t get upset because you see what you want for yourself in other people. Do not let envy take over you. If the people close to you are getting what you want, it means that the right people surround you, and when it manifests itself near you, it is because it will soon be your turn.
  • “Asking” a wish to the universe does not mean you will not have to do anything to achieve it. You will see how doors open to take advantage of and achieve your goal by continually thinking about it.
  • If you feel that you have tried and tried to get what you want and always fail, it is essential that, as I told you before, you change how you achieve it but do not change the goal. It is because the light is already coming when you find yourself in the greatest darkness.

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