From Blog to Bank:11 Ways, To Make Money With A Blog

These days, we are all thinking about how to generate income. If this is your case and you are looking for ways to make money with a blog, check out the tips and strategies this article has compiled for you.

If you distrust this alternative as a source of income, knowing what others do to earn money will help you clear up doubts and understand the requirements and steps you must take to join this select group.

Can you make money from a blog?

A few years ago, this idea sounded far-fetched and unrealistic. However, we can affirm YES when we focus on the here and now, considering technological evolution and the emergence of new professions and trades. You can make money with a blog and make a living from it.

Today, thousands of professionals and specialists in various topics make their knowledge, services, and products, among others, available to the Internet public.

Making money with a blog is achieved by something other than magic or overnight. To achieve this, you first have to position your site, which will reach not only visitors and subscribers but also various emerging companies that are looking for digital media alternatives to advertise their products and services.

How to make money with a free blog?

First, you should know that monetizing a free blog is an arduous task that requires as much or more attention than creating a paid blog. This is because you have to find and generate commercial alliances that will allow you to obtain income.

On the other hand, thinking about monetizing a blog is not the first question since you must lay a foundation of 4 steps that will clear the path to economic income:

Make Money

1. Choose a niche

Look for a theme that is fashionable and also has the freedom and possibility of being marketed. And even if your content is not directly related to the business opportunity, be sure to create spaces that allow other companies to publish and achieve sales of their products or services from your blog.

2. Create your blog

This is where the complexity begins. As I already mentioned, making money with a free blog is hard work, and luck and effort are involved.

If this is your situation, then go for it. Study and analyze what your future competition does with the content you have in mind. Get the idea of ​​making a copy out of your mind and planning. No. This analysis is not to plagiarize your opponent but to detect his flaws and weaknesses.

When you have concluded everything you would improve on the best-competing blog in your niche, you will be ready to start creating content that will make your blog the envy of everyone.

Now, if you want guaranteed results, consider investing in a paid blog. In fact, if you read recommendations from other bloggers, they will recommend you make the investment from the beginning.

3. Plan and define the strategy to boost your blog.

You will realize that this is where the future of your blog is decided. Now, it’s time to use the ace you have up your sleeve, which will help you promote your blog in all places to reach the most significant number of potential subscribers.

4. Have your blog’s monetization strategy at hand.

The first and most effective is advertising, and there are also platforms that serve as intermediaries for receiving income. Some, like Google AdSense and The Moneytizer, monetize the clicks that visitors make on ads or charge for publishing ads.

Selling products is another alternative, as is affiliate marketing, offering services, publishing reviews and sponsored posts, paid private content, and Cost-per-Action (CPA). You can also make money by selling your blog as a last resort.

How much money can you make with a blog?

Experts in SEO, design, and content dedicated to promoting and disseminating their knowledge through a blog can attest that the profits a blog can guarantee are enough to live a decent life, but BE CAREFUL; this is neither written nor all true.

Without wanting to discourage you, achieving substantial profits thanks to a blog requires as much or more effort and time as an office job, besides the mental exercise that comes with creating valuable content that maintains the level and continues to excite people. The subscribers.

Knowing how to make money with a blog can maximize your profits, especially in the short term, since many people are unaware of them or do not apply them correctly.

Knowing how much money you can earn with a blog is a question that will always make you think about the balance between what you do and what you get for doing it.

However, some bloggers who have been dedicated to creating blog content for years claim to have earned up to $2,000 per month.

Now, along the way, you will probably find those who earn more and those who earn less, and that is where you should set a goal that allows you to feel comfortable with what you do and earn money.

What types of blogs are the most profitable?

  1. Earn money online
  2. Financial Guidance
  3. Investments
  4. Lifestyle
  5. Health & Beauty
  6. Fashion
  7. Recipes and cooking
  8. Varied

11 ways to make money with a blog

  1. Advertising: You can advertise to third parties, but you don’t have to look for them! I recommend you go to a platform like Google Ads and let them do it for you.
  2. Sponsored posts or brand sponsorship: Generating links with sponsorship companies that pay you to advertise the brand they support.
  3. Affiliate marketing: You earn money for each customer who buys a product that appears recommended on your blog.
  4. Selling physical products: benefits those with a strong and stable blogger brand.
  5. Sales of digital products (Premium content, ebooks, online courses): This option is ideal if you are designing digital content and creating your blog. You avoid intermediaries, commissions, and physical distribution expenses.
  6. Virtual conferences: the fastest way to earn money; you just have to design a strategy to promote your services.
  7. Offer your services: Coaching and consulting are also an effective way to make money with a blog. However, it is worth creating trust in the subscriber that you are a specialist.
  8. Donations: are ideal if your blog is open to publishing freelance content for a small contribution from subscribers.
  9. Professional directories: If your niche is professional topics, you can dedicate yourself to cataloging and classifying specialists in delimited spaces that benefit subscribers.
  10. Sell ​​your blog: Even if it is difficult for you to part with your business, selling a blog at its best can generate substantial income.
  11. Job or freelance opportunities: Using it as a catapult to boost your profession and optimize your resume.


    • Haha, I appreciate the humor! If you have any doubts after reading the article, feel free to ask. I’m here to clarify anything you need!

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